Volunteer Spotlight:
C3 Leader Kathleen Boyle
Neighborhood/C3 region: Belmont-Cragin/Northwest Region
C3 Volunteer Projects
During her short time with C3, Kathleen has quickly become a staple in the C3 Leader program. In less than two years, Kathleen has organized and led FOUR community based environmental action projects addressing a wide range of environmental issues.
1. 2009- Rethink Retrain Return: Recycling Panel Discussion
2. 2009, 2010- Low Cost Weatherization Education workshop series
3. 2010- Green Cleaning workshop at CPS
4. 2010- Rain Barrel & Compost Bin workshop at the Northwest Housing Fair
Going Above and Beyond
We are constantly amazed at Kathleen's boundless energy and enthusiasm. On top of working full time and leading grassroots initiatives, she is always willing to lend a helping hand to her fellow C3 volunteers and community members. Kathleen has taken part in a ton of new C3 events and initiatives, here are a few examples: Family Eco Night at Pulaski Academy, Kilbourn Park Fall Harvest Celebration, Portage Park Earth Day (team member with C3 leader Morgan Conlon), Carbon Nation screening event volunteer, C3 Northwest Regional Network participant, participant in C3 Explorer volunteer opportunities, and Speaker in the C3 Speakers Bureau. Professionally, she is a part of the Green Schools Symposium and the CPS Green Team.
Planning for Future Endeavors
Find Kathleen on March 5 at the Kilbourn Park Organic Greenhouse leading yet another rain barrel and compost bin demonstration! Kathleen told us a little about her growing interest in water conservation, "I am working on ways to collect water when my building owner is not in support of rain barrels in her yard." She is also super excited as she gears up to harvest compost from her worm bin for the THIRD time!
Kathleen's main objective: EDUCATION
"My environmental interests are vast, but my main objective is education on the whole subject of conservation. I try to educate one person on a daily basis even if it is a tiny fraction of an element of conservation. People need to know about all avenues of conservation so they can live a better life and contribute positively to the whole world."
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