Last we spoke there was some uncertainty of the future of C3, but the
Corps is alive and thriving under the guidance of the
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum! I haven't blogged in a while because I have been tweeting (@lafleen) more these days.
Happy Spring 2013!
It's rained every day for the last week here, more or less, and it doesn't look like the forecast for next week is calling for anything different. Not a ton of rain, but enough to give way for some beautiful flowers and spectacular greenery. I look forward to walking through
Portage Park witnessing the trees sprout pink, purple and white blossoms.
And of course it is baseball season. Some may complain that it is the most boring to watch, but golf is only watchable, according to my mother, because of the locations of the golf courses. I concur.
Baseball, you bet. Go, go White Sox!
Johnathan Winters passed this week and it hit home because my dad loves him and his dad before as well. It reminded me of my dad who is 72 and still doing well, but it does give a good feeling to know Winters had a good run at 87 and he wasn't nearly as healthy as my dad.
My dad loves baseball, too! A legitimate Yankees fan from Long Island, NY.