Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sustain C3!! Please Read

3/6/2012 URGENT DATED INFORMATION Contact: Sustain C3 Committee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SustainC3@gmail.com, 312-566-7222


Volunteer leaders with the Chicago Conservation Corps (C3) fear the defunding and dissolution of the program. The contract for C3 expires June 30th, 2012. Unless greater funding is secured, C3 and other environmental programs hosted by the City of Chicago - the Center for Green Technology, Greencorps Chicago, and the Sustainable Backyards Program - are all at risk of severely cutting services or discontinuing based upon a lack of City funding.

Over six years, the successful city-wide program has touched 50 wards and built a diverse environmental network that is open to all Chicagoans under the motto, “You Care. Do Something. We’ll help.” The mission of the Chicago Conservation Corps is to recruit, train and support a network of volunteer leaders who work together to improve the quality of life in Chicago neighborhoods and schools through environmental service projects that protect water, clean air, restore land, and save energy.

Mayor Emanuel has pledged, “I want Chicago to be the greenest city in the world, and I am committed to fostering opportunities for Chicagoans to make sustainability a part of their lives and their experience in the city” (City of Chicago Environment and Sustainability).

C3 wants to help the Mayor achieve this. Operating on an already modest yearly budget, with only three full-time staff organizers, C3 has a high return-on-investment. Major successes, like the closing of the Fisk and Crawford coal plants, require vast efforts from the city, non-profits, and volunteers alike. C3 is an important part of these broad efforts and will be essential in keeping Chicago a national leader in sustainability.

C3 leaders have requested a March meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, David Spielfogel (Chief of Policy and Strategic Planning, Mayor’s Office), Karen Weigert (Chief Sustainability Officer) Aaron Joseph (Deputy Sustainability Officer) to discuss the future of and funding concerns for the C3 program in light of recent developments with its sister program, Greencorps Chicago. We care about our role in the greening of Chicago, and wish to insure that these types of opportunities are available for many years to come.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Electric Common Sense

In reading this article re-posted in the Chicago Tribune, it occurred to me, aside from the shady Volt battery issue, that car companies have been completely retarded about promoting the electric and/or hybrid cars. CAR companies need to invest in charging stations at their franchises; most have the space for at least 2. If they cannot, they should then be able to promote other locations for charging thus encouraging other local businesses to promote their own stations and the use of electric and/or hybrid vehicles. If the government can apply a first time investor credit applicable to the net or gross, whichever is higher. Call me naive or ideological, but seriously, what will it take for CEOs of major car companies to understand in order to bring the horse to water, one must provide a source for the water.